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18.000km and 15 countries on a GS; part 1 preparations

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Next year in the beginning of May I will drive to Mongolia on my '62 Vespa GS. Another team will do the same trip by car. The route looks as follows (we won't drive through Iran, google maps doesn't understand ferries):


For this trip I will prepare a Vespa GS160. The scooter will stay as original as possible and will be equiped with some original crash bars and a front and rear luggage rack. I will mount a P200 engine with the carter protection of a T5. Also a glovebox of a PX will be fitted.

Last week I started stripping the GS.

Gs still partly together:


Some time later:




In the upcoming weeks the GS will be powdercoated and I will start working on the engine and front fork.

Also take a look on our blog and facebookpage: http://www.facebook....474179539269276 and http://www.threebravemen.tumblr.com

To be continued!

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Who takes a GS4 Series1 (!!) and screws a Bajaj glovebox on? Even a PX glovebox matches not the idea of "arrive in style"

I would also recommend the GS reproduction glovebox! Or I would try to get one of a Rally200: looks like GS and has the better opening system like PX

Nice project anyway!!

What do you mean by this:

I will mount a P200 engine with the carter protection of a T5.

How can a P200 engine gets as long-lasting as a T5 engine? :cool:

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Great "Project"! Respect. How much time do you plan for this little trip? I wish you a safe ride and please don't forget to post your story here. Also make sure to put on a comfortable seat :-)


Thanks for your reply! I will post my story here as well. I am thinking about a comfortable seat, a rally seat will be better...

@crankhank; you are right about the looks, I will have another thought about the glovebox. I meant the plastic thing that is mounted on a T5 engine, I will put that on the P200 engine.

Thanks for the other replies!

Bearbeitet von Laurus
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  • 2 Wochen später...

Yes, I drove to Paris with my girlfriend, after Paris we went to the coast, to Dieppe. It was my second time on a Vespa in Paris, first time on a 50 special, this time on my GS with P200 engine, I think it is just magnificent to drive through a city like Paris on a Vespa! You are fortunate for living there ;)

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I think that will be a great trip, the structure of the old vespa seems great , the engine powerful enough to make these long distance next year. :-)

a gs160 with a rear gaybäckfach over the cocklight must be driven :-D

good luck

vespa laurus


Bearbeitet von schlubbi
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I think that will be a great trip, the structure of the old vespa seems great , the engine powerful enough to make these long distance next year. :-)

a gs160 with a rear gaybäckfach over the cocklight must be driven :-D

good luck

vespa laurus


Cocklight? Don´t you mix it up with your cockring? :-D

Btw: Nice project. Good luck :thumbsup:

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  • 1 Monat später...

Here are better pictures as promissed!

Dismounting front fork


Removing the pin in order to get the axle out which keeps the swing arm and front fork together


Getting the axle out


Front fork dismounted


The frontwheel axle with bearings


Removing small bearing


Steer dismounting


The non painted part has to come off


Heating and the non painted part can be removed


Time for some welding




Welding and grinding






The only rotten spot in the whole frame!! :)


Front axle cleaned, time to put the new bearing on and put it in the front fork


Swing arm back on the front fork with new bushes and axle and bearings


Putted the front wheel axle in and now putting in the bigger bearing


That's it for now! More to follow soon!

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