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der herausgekommen Vater Weihnachten des Vespa Gang


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was ist santa Klaus in deutsch??? oder père Noël?

Das ist der Weihnachtsmann! :-D

Versuchs doch auf Englisch, wenn das besser klappt!

- gonzo

kann denn hier keine französerisch?

Bearbeitet von gonzo
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Das ist der Weihnachtsmann! :-D

Versuchs doch auf Englisch, wenn das besser klappt!

- gonzo

kann denn hier keine französerisch?

When I post in english nobody answer... sure it's better like that, shame I live in a country where 3 languages are spoken but I only talk french... GRRRRRRRRRR!

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Nice idea, would like to do this with the rest of my "gang" but these "soft eggs" (direct translated, don't know if there is something similar in English) prefer to stay in their nice warm garages. :-D:-D

Try it on www.leo.org. The translator there points out: Weichei = pansy, mollycoddle, pantywaist, wimp or wuss :-D

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Try it on www.leo.org. The translator there points out: Weichei = pansy, mollycoddle, pantywaist, wimp or wuss :-D

I use lot of time to understand what you mean...

know I laugh a lot about what you tell...

in french : couilles molles, weak bulloks it is? :-D

exellent indeed!

So this car is nice but dirty when you open the throttle:(look the panties)


The speciality of the vespa gang is to laugh, nothing is serious

so it was not for the charity and not to ask for money near the italian Tourist...

Ich liebe Krustenbraten und dunkelsbier mit limonad!

and if you like music visit this ( that's in summer):in the same town where we drove in Santa Klaus


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