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engine problem on my 200PX with PV1

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i have 2 problems :-D( on my engine of my 200PX with PV1 side-car

the first one is when i want to sprint the engine starts to hold back like he is cholking when i start slowly it goes ok

the 2 problem is in 3 gear he will go 80km/h in 4 gear only 70Km/h and wil not go in his high Rpm

i have the folowing set up

200 engine with the inlet polisched

213 pinasco

23 t cosa cluth (i have tride a 21t but it will go in to high Rpm)

MCM race crank

JL left hand exhaust

4 gear of a 125 engine

ovelised SI 24 carbu with 135 jet

wide tyre 120 /90

thanks to al for helping me out

grtz sidvespa

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take the 21 teeth clutch..some smaller back wheel and try out....


Yes, If u want to stick to widetyre try 130/70-10, it has the same ratio as 3.50-10 about 7% smaller circumference than 120/90-10 :-D

It will make a hole lot of difference to the 4th gear. :-D

Best regards

Patrik Grann


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... I think a 60mm crank + rear tyre 3.50x10 or 130/70x10 and a standard exhaust or a racing pipe like the Taffspeed MK1, PSP, Swift, etc... could solve your problem. You won't need high rev',s the thing you'll need is torque...

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ok thanks for the info

the first thing i did was change the jet back to a 116 this has ended the cholking :-D

the second thing i orderd a new tyre a 130 70 10 :-D

the cosa clutch 21 i have to try again when i have the time :-D to put it in in a few days i will have the key to our new house with a large garage :love: and i have to work on this also to keep the wife happy

sorry for my question but some of you don't understand that i live in belgium and over here there is a scootercene but it is not so big like in germany and we only have a few side-cars manly on a standard vespa or lambretta so i have no one else to turn to

grtz sidvespa

ps i will keep you posted when i change something and sugestions are always apriciated

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Hi sidvespa!

I´m having a Px200e standard and a cozy sidecar, it works ok :-D , but not uphill :grr: . so i´m planning to use a 60mm crank and a 1,5mm headgasket for more torque and a 4th gear from 125 and keep the rest standard.

I have the same problem in Sweden, not many scooters with sidecar :-D and a house and a wife!

Have a nice summer! :-D

Patrik Grann

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Not the same setup, but it might help

Rally 200 engine converted to PX 12v ignition using half casing.

Piston 70,4mm so gives 221 cm3

short 4th gear from a PX125

SI 24 carb, with 125 main jet, no autolub

Sidecar is a Cozy been clocked at 90 km/h in 4th.

You don't see many sidecar also in France.

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  • 2 Wochen später...

now i have f**k it up big time :uargh:

just blown a hole in the piston of my pinasco :-D( when i was getting the new tyre(130 70 10) so now it wil take some time before i can tel you about the changes i have made

first i am going to do the new house an them i will probebly put an other standard engine :-D in it the engine only needs a new crusefix and bearings :-D

grtz sidvespa

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i think wrong jetting (to small)

i have drove the pinasco barrel alreddy a 1000 km with the O exhaust without problems and then put on the JL exhaust and dit it wrong with jetting

now i have an other question with an JL exaust and a O barrel shoud i change the timing or keep it the same as with the O exhaust

the mark A behind the flyweel

thanks sidvespa

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  • 2 Wochen später...

Hi all you sidecar fans!

Why don´t you tell us none Germanspeaking scootersist about your engine setup???????? It would be nice to learn some more about what we need to do to get our sidecarscooters work perfect.


Patrik Grann


and not very good at German language, but your beer that is the best in the world.

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  • 3 Wochen später...

OT: Probably those who drive sidecars are not speaking english well enough or think they don't and are afraid of disgracing themselves. Be thankful for your very educational TV showing non-translated american movies. :grins:

Unfortunately I have nothing enlightening to say on topic. :-D

Hi there anyway :-D

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  • 10 Monate später...

Now I have got my engine work very well! :-D

Polini 208 with GS piston

MMW head

60mm race crank

1,5 mm footseal


Cosa 23 clutch

SIP clutch relese shaft XT2000

17 degrees btdc


Just did the cylinderports, not the inlet port.

Not the fastest but good torque! ;-

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mine is also working fine now

the new set up is a bit like yours

polini 208

jl left

orig crank

23T cosa

24 ovelised si carbu

4t gear of 125

130 /70 rear tyre

engine is only the carbu inlet polised

timing 17°

1mm foot seal

for the top speed i have no idea yet i am driving it in the polini was lying on a shelf in the garage it only neded a new piston

grtz sidvespa

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