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Alle Inhalte von keuk

  1. Well, impossible to order on duepurcento from France, do someone sell the PLC ones on the GSF ? I would need two kits...
  2. Hello, I need your advice for the silentblocs on racer engine. I have original silentblocs on my racer and the engine can move easily on each axis. First question, is it good or not ? What do you use ? What if I add PTFE parts on both side of the engine arm ? Or maybe it's easier to use the orange ones from DuePercento (can't remember where I saw it) ?
  3. Racer sitzbank with original closing system. http://shop.ebay.fr/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=sitzbank+schaumstoff&_sacat=See-All-Categories&LH_TitleDesc=0
  4. www.antoinefleury.com

  5. Hello, I need advice to choose good shock absorbers for my scooter. A rear one for my smallframe racer: I'm 1.85 tall 75kg. I have a front rs24 and a shity rear one. A front one for a 2000km trip up to Croatia with a px disc with a passenger and luguages (sorry it's the smallframe section) There are a lot of possibilities, I would like something at less than 200 euros each. Do you have advice or tips ? Thank you. Antoine
  6. Yes I intended to mill the S&S part to fit it... for the bolt no problem neither, I will use FHC screw. I found the information, the distance is 18mm, with 6mm thickness.
  7. Hello, I would like to drop a little bit more my front suspension on a PK steering column. I have a already the scooter&service part on the rs24 but that's not enough. Anyone knows the following dimension on the Stage6 part adaptor ? A would like to gain up to 20mm, but the adaptor doesn't have to be to high if I want to keep the mudguard... Here is a photoshop test: actual/modified
  8. I have moved down the lower part of the exhaust part to match with the piston (stroke 53 pleuel 105 etc...)... maybe the shape should look more like the blue line ?
  9. Hello, I have two SKF explorer 6204 bearings for my smallframe engine, a standard one and a C3 one. I'm going to use them on my racer engine. Which one should I use for the crankshaft and which one for the drive shaft ? Thanks.
  10. Hello, I use a 9,6mm spacer under the barrel and the actual curve of the transferts in the casings looks really steep, I haven't modified the curve in the transfert ports of the Polini. Should I modify the Polini curve and mill the parts to have something more round ? Here are some pictures of the actual shape with original curve ( left view):
  11. What is the red material that you use to make a copy of the transfert ports ? ( the one on the pictures of the first page ). I have started to make a 3D model of the Polini evo cylinder for fun, and I would like to have something more accurate for the transfert ports. Here are some previews:
  12. Hello, Can I cut the base of the barrel to fit with the casing intake ? Is it ok if the lower part of the piston goes a little bit further than the blue line ? (Transfert ports are not yet ajusted)
  13. Hello! I have a curious thing on my et3...I have the original electronic ignition, but the timing change ! The timing should remain the same but when I throttle it increases of 5/10 degrees to a new stable value...Is it normal ? ( I use a stroboscopic light connected to an external battery)
  14. Hello, I hesitate between two kind of crankshaft for my Polini Evo racer with engine casing intake. I hesitate between a plug'n play crankshaft or a full circle one that I would have to modify. At the beginning I was interested by the DRT Sprinter model, but I realise that the shape is very different of the reworked models that I have seen on the Polini Evo thread. Here is a scheme of the DRT model, it lets the full access in the casing maybe a bit late. Here is the model from the Polini Evo thread: It allows to open the access sooner than the DRT one, but I would have to reworked and then to adjust the balance of a full circle one... I'm still undecided..
  15. So for a daily use, is it better to have 185 or 180 with 30* blowout ( with pm40 / koso 28 / lighter flywheel...) ?
  16. Original flywheel, and even reduced Sip flywheel don't pass !!! I should have known !! I wil have to machine a chamfer...... Timings without any gasket: 180/120 Timings with base 0,5mm gasket 182/123
  17. I would like to adjust the timings to use it with a PM40, If I remember rightly I should have 185 to the exhaust.
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