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Las Vegas Scooter Rally Info Feb 22-26, 2007


Empfohlene Beiträge

Vegas Hotel

It is the last few days to guarantee a discount on your Vegas hotel room at the Gold Coast. As I have said previously, this will be the first time that the British and Americans will be staying in the same hotel. Also, there are some dutch, belgians, and a big group of the French Vulcans coming over, so get your German butts over here! After November, 2006, room prices may change and rooms will be available on a first come first serve basis. Right now the rooms are $55 for Thursday and Sunday and $100 for Friday and Saturday ($310 for 4 nights). So book your hotel now and worry about your travel needs over the next few weeks. To make reservations:

Book by Phone: 702-367-7111(GIVE CODE: HIG0222)

Book Online: http://www.goldcoastcasino.com

1) Click on "Book a Room" 2) Select dates and number of adults 3) Click on the + button below to enter group code 4) Put code HIG0222 into group code:

Wrist Bracelets

This year we will have a limited number of discount wrist bracelets for entry into the Friday and Saturday night events. The $20 bracelets will save you $5 between the two events. These will be sold at the Friday Happy Hour and the Friday night event at the Aruba.


I really can?t say enough about the bands and the DJs this year. Friday we have 2 rooms of rotating DJs, plus 2 rooms in between where people can still have a normal conversation. Saturday, which will be hosted by the British, has the Stateside Saints and the always amazing Aggrolites performing, plus international DJs from 4 countries spinning music all night long.


There are still some events that are being added and changed so keep an eye the events page on the website. www.LVScooterRally.com

This will be a year not to miss, thanks for listening!

Eric Porter


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Hello Eric, welcome in Europe!

Sounds and looks nice, but you know the distance could be a little too far for the most scooterists from Europe, of course including me! :-D

I guess you need more than one pisten for this journey :shit: .

I am looking forward to see a movie from the run 2007. :-D

rg, Christian :-D

Bearbeitet von Zupferia
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