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malossi 210 portmap


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Hallo aus Kroatien,

mein deutschsprachen is schlecht, so I will write in english!

I am very pleased to find this forum! :-D

Can anybody please post the portmap (steuerzeiten) of the Malossi 210 cylinder kit. I've been thinking about making my own exhaust chamber for some time now, but I wouldn't want to dissasemble it off my PX, cause I need it for the daily transport.

Any info will be greatly appreciated!


Ivan B.

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Thanks a lot!

but I would appreciate if someone has the drawing of the port arrangement (width, height, area) on the (millimetric) paper- I'd like to play with BMEP calculations and stuff like that.

So if anyone has a scan or a picture, I'd be grateful...

Maybe someone has a exhaust chamber design of his own to take a look at - perhaps we can broaden this discussion;-)

Bearbeitet von kkronja
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