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Original V50 duo saddle in very good shape !


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Original V50 duo saddle in very good shape  :
<ebay-Link deleted>


Hi Luc,

please don't link to ebay auctions in the GSF! If you'd like to place a link to your auction, you can do this in the topic "Was gibt's so alles bei egay", but be prepared that most posts there deal with funny or unbelievable expensive stuff.

The other option is to cancel the auction in Ebay and to place an announce in the GSF-Marketplace. If you do so please keep our rules in mind, as there are:
- give the price! Maximum price auctions will not be tolerated!
- specify the location of the article, that you want to sell
- describe the item correctly, pictures preferred
- don't put the article simultaneously on eBay (or mobile.de, motoscout24.de etc.)
- no selling without property! The article must be the property of the starter of the topic, no selling for third parties or on behalf of third parties

Thank you!

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