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Beiträge von chrisulgilera

  1. Terminupdate, Harz-Ring ist fix, Ungarn zu 95%:

    Official ESC-Training:

    Challenge Scootentole, Mircourt (F): 17.-20. May 2012

    Detailled Informations: http://challenge.scootentole.org

    Official ESC-Races:

    10. Run & Race, Liedolsheim (D): 08.-10.June 2012

    Detailled Informations: http://www.runandrace.de

    Kurvenlage, Wackersdorf (D): 06.-08. July 2012

    Detailled Informations: http://www.kurvenlage.ws

    HARZ GRAND PRIX, Harz-Ring: (D): 27.-29. July 2012

    Detailled Informations: Wotox@Facebook

    Blechkampf, Belleben (D): 17.-19. August 2012

    Detailled Informations: http://www.blechkampf.com

    Holiday in Hungary (HU): 30. August - 02. September 2012

    (clarification in December2011)

    Detailled Informations: http://www.eurochallenge.at


  2. Hallo guys!

    I've been without writing for a loooong time, and for a longer time I aven't been there for racing..... :wacko: Unfortunately our championship is even too much for me, so I really couldn't race with you! But maybe the next year It 'll be possible to be there for a race...and a nice weekend :laugh:

    I hope you 'll enjoy this last movie in Viterbo, for the qualification in the race , unfortunately is not the race becouse the cam was not working



    Hallo Mauro

    Did you have the VPI dates for next year? Maybe we come to italy for racing!

    ciao chris

  3. Auch von mir die besten Genesungswünsche an die Verletzten!

    Danke an die Veranstalter von Stoffis Garage ...wie immer Top!!!

    Besonders bedanken möchte ich mich beim Undi für die Technische Unterstützung,

    beim Norbert unserem Chassis-Experten sowie Patrick und Melanie für die geile Homepage und den Sponsorbus :wacko:

    Wir haben den Meistertitel in der K2 geholt :laugh:

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