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Alle Inhalte von JimVanMorrissey

  1. Hey Artax, So Gloria sez we might be able to meet up for a Dreher at some point. I'll be at the Vittula later, which is presumably near where you're staying. Also: how long will you be here this weekend? I was wondering if I could have a Vespa expert give my engine a good listen. I'm occasionally getting this faint but high-pitched ringing out of it at certain RPMs... wasn't there before. JVM
  2. Ok ok I overreacted, yes. Sorry to be so paranoid. It's just so weird to see my most prized possession in a forum like this! (Also, I think Google Translate messed up the content of the first posting. :) ) As for importing vehicles like that into Hungary -- I'm sure the import/export laws will change over the next couple years, what with Hungary's EU derogation period coming to an end. I do know that there's no *bribery* involved with the importation process, just a breathtaking amount of paperwork and fees -- so much so that I'm convinced the entire process is only there to thoroughly discourage people from importing vehicles into Hungary. I have friends who've taken SIX MONTHS just get get through the entire process. It's madness. Anyhoo I'd like to apologize for the filthy state of the PX in that picture. It got all muddy on the rainy trip out to the airport to say hello to Joern here. :) As for Gloria -- I think she's friends with the dude who made the original posting, and she told me that he reported seing a green Vespa with Hamburg plates, and she made the connection that way... S.
  3. Switching to English here because I don't sprechen Deutsch. I'm from Canada and I live in Hungary. My friend Gloria tipped me off to this posting. I appreciate your vigilance here, but you Germans don't need to instantly assume that all vehicles in Hungary are stolen. And why are you posting my license plate information here on a public forum? Jesus. That's my Vespa, and I bought it in Hamburg last June and drove it back here to Budapest. Cops in Hungary are totally unfamiliar with Vespas, think they're 50cc 'oldtimer' scooters, and as a result basically what few PX drivers there are in this country have no plates on theirs. I just left mine on out of sheer laziness and have had no problems. Importing it to Hungary would be a nightmare and cost more than I paid for the thing, so I'm not going to do it. Here's a question: how did you end up nosing around in the entrance to my office building? That's what I'm most curious about. S.
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