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30th Challenge Scootentole & ESC - Mirecourt 11th of May 2024

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Registration on https://www.eurochallenge.de/


Scootentole presents the 30th Challenge Scootentole -:wheeeha: 



As usual, track will be accessible for training on Thursday, Friday and Sundayxx€ half-day and xx€ full day (payment on site). For these 3 days, you must have your own insurance or you get one on the spot (from the track).

Practice on track will be available (15min sessions) alternatively with go-karts and/or with motorbikes 





Categories and podiums (to be confirmed)


- K1 (C3-1)
- C3-2
- K3 (C2L)
- K4
- C4 (former old largeframe K4)
- K5 (C2S)
- K6 (C1)
- K7 (C7)


Planning (To be confirmed)


Roulage - 20 minutes 
8h30: K6 + K7
8h50: K5
9h10: K1 + C3-2
9h30: K3 + K4 + C4
Qualification 1 - 20 minutes 
9h50: K6 + K7
10h10: K5
10h30: K1 + C3-2
10h50: K3 + K4 + C4
Qualification 2 - 20 minutes 
11h10: K6 + K7 
11h30: K5
11h50: K1 + C3-2
12h10: K3 + K4 + C4


12h30-13h30 Pause déjeuner / Lunch Break

Course 1 - Race 1 - 10 minutes + 2 laps
13h30: K6 + K7
13h50: K5
14h10: K3 + C4
14h30: K1
14h50: C3-2 + K4
Course 2 - Race 2 - 10 minutes + 2 laps
15h10: K6 + K7
15h30: K5
15h50: K3 + C4
16h10: K1
16h30: C3-2 + K4
Course 3 - Race 3 - 10 minutes + 2 laps
16h50: K6 + K7
17h10: K5
17h30: K3 + C4
17h50: K1
18h10: C3-2 + K4
Best of All - 10 minutes + 2 laps
18h30: 5 best of all racing categories



Followed by:

  • Podium
  • Lucky-draw
  • Apero !!!    :cheers:


Food and drinks
There will be possibility to eat on the spot, usual BBQ, french fries, etc

* Lunch (main dish, drink, coffee): TBD

* Diner coupon (Salad, meat, fries, drink, coffee): TBD


Location of the track : 
As a reminder, the track is in Mirecourt (France, 88) and it is not so far from the German border; get direction: http://maps.google.fr/maps?f=d&hl=fr&geocode=4052204080919766249,48.319569,6.077357&time=&date=&ttype=&saddr=&daddr=Circuit+de+mirecourt%4048.319569,+6.077357&mra=pe&mrcr=0&sll=48.274054,6.019135&sspn=0.18783,0.398254&ie=UTF8&ll=47.931066,6.679688&spn=6.050603,12.744141&t=h&z=6&om=1


A twisty, technical yet fast track in perfect condition, 1250m x 8m, fully equipped !





Posted (edited)

GSF post created to get some pictures and feedback about this event which went so wellll... !! :inlove:


Edited by KTy
  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

Gibt es schon einen Termin für 2025?

Ich frage nur weil ja 2025 am traditionellen Christi Himmelfahrt Wochenende Zuera stattfindet und wir unsere VRA Termine auch möglichst rasch fixieren möchten.

  • 2 months later...

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