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the dedicated exhaust for the 200cc quattrini, like you can see in the link of mauropapa, looks really big and awesome i mean.




@Brosi ...thanks for the link!

The  exhaust... I  guess it will set a  benchmark for the 2014  exhausts. Very silent and  powerful on a wide range and  fit under  the et3 original chassis  without any  cut.  The "sad" point is only that it can't be replicated  without be discovered.....



@Brosi ...thanks for the link!

The  exhaust... I  guess it will set a  benchmark for the 2014  exhausts. Very silent and  powerful on a wide range and  fit under  the et3 original chassis  without any  cut.  The "sad" point is only that it can't be replicated  without be discovered.....




I think the idea has been around for some time (it has even been used by Piaggio), so I wouldn't call it "replicating" if something similar albeit for a differente type of tuning hits the market sooner or later.


I think the idea has been around for some time (it has even been used by Piaggio), so I wouldn't call it "replicating" if something similar albeit for a differente type of tuning hits the market sooner or later.

Yes you are  right . in principle. But up to now  i still hadn't seen on the market a real expansion  with this solution. So before  this it was only an idea. let's see what happens in the next few months...





é necessario tagliare il telaio per il condotto d'aspirazione?




it's not a must, but you have to orient the hole in che  chassis by using a tube as big as the hole is and bending  it in the direction of the collector




Posted (edited)

the same type of exhaust was used by saab in the 60's.


the idea came from walter kaaden.


no offence, i am sure its a good exhaust and the cylinder looks great! :thumbsup:

Edited by Truls221

the same type of exhaust was used by saab in the 60's.


the idea came from walter kaaden.


no offence, i am sure its a good exhaust and the cylinder looks great! :thumbsup:

 wow ...... :rotwerd:    . great ! 


only talking from what can be seen from the outside, karts use this type of expansion design for decades. It´s good to see it on a Vespa though :thumbsup:


I've just pointed that out because I'm sort of in the finishing progress of something in the same direction, and I don't want to be accused of "replicating". Apart from that it's a good idea, as is the engine and the cylinder.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

I also don't think another exhaust in this area could be called replicating just for the basic principle it employs. I would classify even more Vespa exhausts in the same way. The ET3 one is still quite far away... Polini "banana" and the like are more closely related. And just speaking from the outside, the closest match could be the PLC exhaust for the water cooled cylinders, which was also much more performance oriented than the previous examples. It's all just different styles of the same basic principle, which I find quite interesting, too!


Speaking from my own experiments, for a tourer that probably has rather too much than too little power and torque, this might be a really good choice  :-) But on the kart track I didn't really like this pipe style (i. e. not worth the tradeoff against a normal expansion chamber).

Edited by karoo

I've just pointed that out because I'm sort of in the finishing progress of something in the same direction

Für welche Steuerzeiten soll der Auspuff funktionieren? Ist das etwas z.B. für den 60er SP09 Parma?




Posted (edited)

is das auspuffsystem eigentlich so ähnliche gedacht wie diese US supertrapp anlagen??


also vom prinzip her?

Edited by simonB.

is das auspuffsystem eigentlich so ähnliche gedacht wie diese US supertrapp anlagen??


also vom prinzip her?


hast du mal in ne supertrapp reingeschaut? da wird der staudruck über die anzahl der eingelegten scheiben vor der endkappe abgestimmt. bin nicht sicher, ob das beim zweitakter so richtig funktionierne würde...


Jetzt wird schon tagelang über einen Auspuff diskutiert den amn nur von aussen sieht. Hat jetzt schon einer ne Ahnung was drinnen anders ist oder sind das einfach Spekulationen? Für mich mich sieht der von aussen wie ein normaler Kartauspuff angepasst auf Vespa aus, also nix besonders spektakuläres, ausser das mal wieder einer der erste ist. Oder wissen hier alle mehr?

Posted (edited)

Gibt es schon jemanden der den Motor hat und auch mal sein Leistung Diagramme reinstellen kann ! Würde mich mal interessieren was für Leistung er hat vor allem NM

Edited by Fischmulle

Fertig gespindeltes C2 für 60Hub, 180er Falc Drehmoment Puff

und alle Teile liegen schon bereit, die Zylinder müssten längst da sein. (Sind sie aber nicht)

Hat schon einer den Zylinder?

Bei GP1 in 4 Wochen werden die ersten Zylinder von uns Vorgeführt. Vorausgesetzt sie sind da wenn ich ausm Urlaub komme ;)

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